Hello, Welcome to OtravinScape.
This is a guide by Pray My But, introducing you to the game.
To start your adventure, you should first type put your 100k and sharks in the bank. Type ::quests to achieve all of the in game quests. The next step is to thieve.
Type in ::ardy and start thieving at the stalls. Before you know it you'll have 800k+ and 99 thieving.
Now you want to start training combat. Type ::low train to teleport to level 5 monks to start training. Train until you're combat level is 40. (You will level up very quickly and will soon want to move on to higher monsters giving more xp)
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Level 40-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
You have two options at this point:
1. White Knights
2. The Avatar Mini Game
If you choose to start training at White Knights, go to ::medtrain. This will take you to level 36 White Knights that drop white armour! If you havn't already upgraded your iron armour
then you should pick up the white armour.
Training at the Avatar Mini Game has its ups and downs. If you choose to train here go to ::avatarmini. This will take you to a place with level 125 avatars. Killing them is a slight challenge at level 40, but the rewards are rewarding.
Luckily, the monsters don't hit hard at all, only dealing 1's or 2's, AND you can get some very nice items from the bronze chest.
If you need help past this, you're outta luck. Have any questions? Type ::message and your question, and I'm sure someone will happily answer you, or send me a private message in game or through the forums.
I hope my guide helped